April 23rd 7:49pm EST @4 degrees
This Scorpio full moon let’s take a look at the Scorpio new moon back in November. What was happening in the world and in your personal life? Whatever it was is now coming to a point of culmination, the moon shining a light upon something that was being initiated at that time.
You may not really want to look at or feel what is coming up but you can’t just shut the closet and go on with your life, if you are expecting to you will be sorely disappointed.
We are all being called to open our eyes, wide as you can, in the dark. Let your pupils dilate, feel how all your other senses heighten and surf the undercurrent of emotion.
The grief is grim right now.
The world is heavy and the tides will turn but where the new wave is taking you and the whole collective is dependent on every individual’s ability to open their eyes and their senses to deep pain, accept it and walk through it. We cannot help, serve, take action, create change, move on, innovate, grow lovingly, insert whatever is useful to the collective situation and your personal one, until we can look, acknowledge and let the feeling pour in.
Uncomfortable emotions, control and paranoia are the energy right now with Pluto squaring the full moon in Scorpio. Scorpio is the underworld, the realms that are unseen but exist between the intertwining of souls. It is not light – it is deep and we cannot have light without its contrast. What this energy gives us is the ability to lean into our instincts and senses. While we may not know exactly what is happening, we can’t quite see it with clarity, we can close our eyes to feel it better.
In the lightest season, spring, we are reminded every year of its stark contrast, birth vs death, autumn and winter, light vs dark. Without one you cannot have the other which may be why they both exist seemingly no matter what.
Let’s not forget when we talk light vs dark it is not good vs evil it is only difference. Night is not evil any more than the color white is holy. It’s just to function well at night one must be vigilant and highly attuned to their senses.
Scorpio is not and never was evil the energy is only more attuned and there is fear around that. Scorpio is comfortable with death and darkness and night. It is the energy of those things but in none of that lies evil innately.
Be inspired by this energy while wading through any fear that arises.
Don’t let the fear of the dark keep you from entering it. Don’t let the paranoia of what lies where you can’t see stop you from taking action. Tune in to your own instincts and keep an open heart with a presence of embodiment.