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Wolf Moon: The Full Moon in Cancer

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Full moon in Cancer at 24 degrees 1/13 5:26pm EST

During Capricorn season the world goes inward because they are tired and cold (in some parts of it anyway). And they recount and review what has transpired in the last year and what they wish to have transpire in the coming year. It’s resting and planning season. During this season we always have a full moon in Cancer. This moon usually has an undercurrent of nurturing and feeling into intuition so we can set up a safe space around what we love.

Major aspects: The major aspects are what make this full moon unique as opposed to every other Cancer full moon at this time of year.

Conjunct Mars opposing Pluto-

The feeling of wanting or desiring certain things and experiencing challenges around executing successfully is the theme with a Mars Pluto opposition. With this aspecting the full moon in Cancer it can not only be challenging but emotional, yet not impossible. You most likely will have considerable drive to achieve your goals. You may feel family, or your foundation likely depends on it, it could be what is driving you. Look out for others trying to purposefully interject themselves because they are jealous of your success or possibility of it. Not only others towards you but you towards others, so look out for your own actions. Competition is highlighted here during this lunation, and you can do very well in sports and business. You can’t control others, but you can control how you react DON’T FORGET THAT during this full moon. Violence because of emotion is more susceptible now but if you know that you can do what you can to stay clear of it. Be mindful of the battles you get into and know you can still achieve things without leaning into aggression even if it feels like the only option.

With Neptune trine the full moon you can have a breakthrough with inspiration on a project that has been causing you frustration. It could come in the form of a vision around something you’ve been working on or towards.

T-square with Chiron- This aspect can give way for old rejection wounds around showing up as your authentic self to bubble up, like you shouldn’t be as you are because it’s too much or not enough or weird. It can feel more than uncomfortable and triggering. But with this comes a chance to heal this wound. Reflecting around why you feel this and how far you are from the origin of the wound, how much you’ve grown now could immensely help you work through your feelings around this.

This full moon falls in the middle of Capricorn season and it’s only the 3rd week of the year and so much destruction has already occurred under these transits. I am not one who leans into future predictions too much but instead reviewing the energy beforehand and then watching the energy play out in real time. What I do like to do is lean into the seasons of the year- splitting the year into 4 sections, being very intentional with how I interact with each one. Each season mirrors the earth (in the northern hemisphere) at a certain time and shows us what rhythms we can follow for grounded guidance. It is simple but it is the approach I prefer over needing to be following every transit every day throughout a season, even as an astrologer. It can get exhausting to be real with you. I feel the most important thing for my mental and physical wellbeing is to feel grounded and this is how I do it (following the seasons and doing activities that align me with them). I can speak more about that at another time. I appreciate other astrologers who offer the full year forecasts and weekly or monthly updates as part of their offering because it is always there to check into when we feel it necessary and as for my own practice, I like to follow the moon cycles and any big shifts that are occurring.

Speaking of a bigger collective shift, the north and south nodes just moved from Aries and Libra to Pisces and Virgo, January 11th. The nodes are so significant because they represent our collective evolution. The nodes move backwards so the north node in Pisces is now at 29 degrees as it was just at 0 degrees Aries. 29 degrees is a critical degree that stands for completion of karmic cycles. Pisces has many themes but one of them is letting go and a kind of letting go that can be deep and energetic not only materially. A lot of the themes with Pisces will be energetic, another I felt called to point out is energetic boundaries. This is another theme that arises with this pair of nodes since Pisces is empathetic and all encompassing. With any sign too much of a thing with no bounds can be destructive. There can be a lot of helping and acts of service in the world as we will need it and with that there needs to be boundaries so that your and others’ energy is used effectively.

With every full moon there is a release, so this full moon in Cancer you can reflect on the following and release what you need to in order to move forward. Look over these questions and allow yourself to let the truth rise:

  • Since we are leaving the nodes of Aries and Libra and entering Pisces and Virgo territory, we can ask ourselves what we are leaving behind when it comes to relationship dynamics and what is a deep karmic ending around these dynamics that needs to be released? What are the detrimental ways you have been showing up that needs to die off so you can enter more fulfilling relationships of all kinds? (romantic, business, friendship/family)

  • With the T-square to Chiron in Aries we can ask how are we still living in fear of stepping into the most authentic, unfiltered version of ourselves, what are we afraid will happen if we step into our truth?

  • With the full moon in Cancer and all the Aries energy in the mix we can feel the back and forth teetering of desiring to be taken care of and being self-assertive and how those two things can feel like such opposing forces, but they indeed need to be balanced so you can live in harmony within the relationships of your life. Where have you given up claiming yourself to fit the mold that was able to be taken care of and how have you been too independent where you won’t allow anyone to take care of you?

Cancer can be a fierce nurturer and Aries a fierce warrior, both can reside inside one but they have to compromise in order to do that, this moon asks us to look at how in our life’s story. this full moon and little joys found with each cycle,




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