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The Sturgeon Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees August 19th 2024 2:25pm EST.

This full moon has got people reaching a boiling point where they are tired of playing by society’s rules and doing what is always asked of them instead of doing what they want to do. You can feel like you want to stick it to the haters and the trolls and just in a very Aquarius fashion throw a middle finger in the air and do you. Just wait to do the new thing or say the thing that’s got you all worked up until you have a better understanding around it if you want to stay out of confrontation. With this astrology most people WONT WAIT because the pull to act is too strong and too spontaneous-and the mood is that everyone is reactive so know that most action will have a reaction under this full moon when maybe we should spend more time processing what is coming up before we act/speak.

Major aspects:

Sun (in Leo), Moon (in Aquarius) and Uranus (in Taurus) squaring each other forms a

(T-Square)-unexpected explosive energy- this energy is the fighting kind. With words and disagreement, the new ways everyone may want to express themselves can certainly clash. There feels like there is a struggle of acceptance of differences and it’s causing fighting.

Mercury Rx (in Leo) is conjunct the Sun (in Leo) forming a (cazimi but retrograde) and squaring Uranus (Taurus)- don’t make any big decisions - you may get great insight during this time- making it good time to heal- focus on the Leo themes. This may bring up fears around being seen and heard- but you’re learning to work through this. The past few weeks we may have been working through guilt and shame around what society would expect of us and coming to terms with being seen in the authentic way we want to be, the thing is it is a sore point still and we can act in ways that portray that.

Jupiter + Mars (in Gemini) squares Saturn (in Pisces) also squaring Venus (in Virgo) forming a (T-square)- we can feel held back and our expansion feels blocked making us feel very low and insecure on a deeply personal level, like its crushing our desires and values. How you respond to this full moon and this energy of the Jupiter/Saturn square shows how much you’ve grown since 2020 when we had the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. This acts like a check-in time to review your soul’s growth.  

Where to look in your chart

Find where you have Leo, Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces and Gemini. This is where all the tension, discord and action listed above can be found. You can also throw in Aries because we have Chiron in Aries next to the north node and a lot of what we are feeling can be traced back to that area of our lives and the wounds we are combing through now as well.

The "release point" of this full moon, meaning where we will get some reprieve

are the Scorpio and Sagittarius parts of our charts, these are the T-squares' release points, giving us a way to find some comfort and something to lean into during this heavier time. Lean into trust and let this energic cycle take us to the next stop in the places and spaces we don't have any ability to influence and have faith that it is happening for us. Both Scorpio and Sagittarius are signs that have to do with the unseen, faith and the parts of life that are mystifying and inspiring. Find your inspiration and believe that 'this too shall pass' and you will write the story in the way you always intended it to be written when the dark cloud of these transits clear.

So, should we not act true to ourselves even if it feels new to us?

– NO. We should. AND we can just BE AWARE of how these feelings are affecting us and how we want to express that out in the world, because of course everything affects everyone. AND we can’t let that stop us ANNND we are responsible for our reactions and keeping ourselves in a good mental state, make sure you make that a priority in whatever way works best for you, distance, grounding, time away from social media etc. because it’s going to happen- people peopling “misinterpreting you” and life goes on.

This full moon will come and go as all transits do

AND all full moons are a time of illumination to shine light on something that may be creeping up in you and in the whole damn collective, and since the full moon is in Aquarius IT IS THE WHOLE COLLECTIVE. I mean, depending on where you live there as some major events happening around this full moon.

Side note look at all the ANDS – when you’re dealing with Gemini especially in Jupiter and Mars there are endless “this” and “that” scenarios- I think that’s evident here. As a collective we are being asked to consider all the dichotomy.

Maybe take a minute whenever you read this and reflect on what this means to you
  • What does this bring up for you?

  • Where do you have Aquarius in your chart?

  • What is that thing that feels like it needs to be said or needs to be done?

  • Why?

  • Where does it come from?

  • How can you express it in the most authentic, satisfying and responsible way?

  • What practices do you have in your “self-care toolbox” when you get dysregulated and have to do some damage control? - these are important to define and find now.

I wish everyone self-regulation and to remind you that

the world is ALWAYS chaos, YOU are the only one who will bring peace to your mind, heart and soul.

With more people who are able to provide their own inner peace the more people will be able to stay in it and not escape. Staying in it is what we are all being called to do right now.

BE PRESENT, be a part of the hard conversations, ASK QUESTIONS, TALK (KINDLY) TO EACH OTHER, be and act as your true self. AND do it in-person in the places where it counts.




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