New Moon in Capricorn (at 9 degrees) 12/30/25 5:27pm
This new moon ushers in Capricorn season and the winter solstice. This is the time of year where we recount the things we've done, what we've achieved, as well as what isn't working in order for us to have a successful upcoming season. It is a time to reflect, review and to celebrate our wins-giving thanks to the loses that never served us and the ones that taught us the lessons that help us grow.
It is truly a whole new age. A new beginning.
Every new moon is, and this is the story behind this particular one.
This is the first new moon in Capricorn that wasn’t in the same sign as Pluto for the last decade and a half! Technically, at this new moon Pluto is still conjunct the moon because
Pluto is only at 0 degrees Aquarius, making it only 9 degrees away from the moon but none the less let’s take a look at where we have Capricorn in our charts/lives and see what we’ve transmuted there since 2008.
What is new about where we are now as opposed to when Pluto first entered Capricorn? We now truly have a new beginning with new guidelines, sight, philosophies and possibly material things as well.
With this new birth that we are experiencing here, what is next?
What impact can you now make that you couldn’t prior?
What wisdom can you now teach that you had to gain first through all of what you went through over the last 16 years?
We are finally on stable ground in this area and ready to build from there, with that what are your new intentions for this area of your life?
We are rebuilding the structures here.
What do the structures you have now look like as opposed to what you had in 2008?
What are you striving it to look like going forward so it stands test of time?
Major aspects to this new moon:
-Moon Trine Uranus – supporting any sudden changes around your new intentions
-Moon Sextile Neptune-Â supportive in helping you achieve balance between the discipline you need to bring forth your visions
-Moon Conjunct Pluto-Â this moon still feels emotionally uncomfortable because its hands are still pulling strings of transformation
-Jupiter Saturn square was exact on December 24th and since Saturn rules this new moon it is wise to look at the effects of this aspect along with all other aspects. We first had a dose of this medicine on August 17th of this year, and we are getting it again now and the last time we will have a Jupiter Saturn square in 2025 will be on June 15th closing this Jupiter Saturn square cycle. It will be then when we see the full effect of it.
Jupiter squaring Saturn is asking us if the structures and foundations we have currently set up in regard to whatever areas of life Jupiter (where you have Gemini) and Saturn (where you have Pisces) are landing in now are allowing us to grow and achieve what we’ve been trying to.
It is like a check-in to find balance between growth and structure or the discipline that is necessary for what we are building.
Wishing everyone the strength and capacity to build the structures that support their visions now and always ;) Happy new moon in Capricorn and overall Capricorn season!