This full moon was a blue moon
the 2nd full moon in one month, making it rare and fully stocked with transformative energy, especially during the heart of Scorpio season. I felt it, so much, I decided to fully feel it through before I wrote about it this moon cycle. I have a Taurus natal moon so this energy of the Taurus full moon (which only happens at this time every year) always affects me on a transformative level. Astrology states that your moon is your comfort zone and my comfort zone is literally (THE COMFORT ZONE of the zodiac) aka Taurus.
Taurus is all about the 5 senses
and how we indulge them through sweet smells, lingering spices, beauty, cozy spaces and linens and savory sounds that light up your heart chakra! Taurus is also about value, financial and actual laws or rights or codes that we live by, aka our values. Taurus is the ruler of the 2nd house which contains these matters- values, finances, self-worth and sensuality, all the abundances of being a human on earth. Taurus is ruled by Venus who is the goddess of beauty, creativity and fertility. Taurus is gifted with the ability to build and create abundance of whatever she values. She is able to see it through to completion and victory because of her boundless patience. Every sign in the zodiac has a downfall and negative energy just like all things in the universe. Taurus’s negative traits are over-indulgence, stubbornness and an inability to move when fixed. This can make them possessive and resentful.
During this full moon
ALL of this energy was at the forefront, not just for a Taurus moon person, but on a collective level. Our emotional state was stirred up with this Taurian influence.
There was also a conjunction with Uranus. Uranus is known to shake shit up and loosen the tightest bolts, aka TAURUS.
So, during this full moon we may have felt these 2 opposing energies at play, not to mention transformative Scorpio energy leading the way during its own season. So, what happens when Taurus, Scorpio and Uranus (aka Aquarius energy) collide? You have the ability to harness the power to shake up wherever you have fixed energy in your natal chart (aka you life) -this would be what house you have Taurus in, and transform that part of your life into something that is now better aligned with your values, finances and things that bring you pleasure. It gives us the electric jolt to become unstuck from our comfort zones and grab the bull by the horns and really get what we want + value!
Since this full moon happened to land on Halloween
you had another amazing gift in the ability to connect to your ancestors for guidance, for the veil was thinnest on Halloween and communicating with the spirit world is easier, really the 31st Halloween, 1 All Saints Day and 2nd All Souls Day, were all great days to continue to commune with the deceased.
Alrighty then so how do you "connect" with your ancestors exactly?
The short answer is, however you want, I mean they are your ancestors so what do you think they'd like to be greeted with? a glass of wine, a cup of coffee, a nice pastry or maybe a cigar?? But when I go about communing with my relatives I usually light a candle and bring to the space an item that was theirs, like earrings, jewelry, a coffee mug that belonged to them, a trinket. .whatever you have that was theirs. Then you can ask them any questions you'd like guidance on. I use tarot and oracle cards to help receive the messages but you can ask in whatever way you'd like and when you see the answer you'll know.
Okay, so once you have this knowledge about the “energies” what the HECK! does that mean?
Like, cool I know I can do this because Astrology said, but HOW do I do this?
I’d say to each his/hers own, to be honest. What I mean is, we are all SO different. What we need is different, how we feel and what brings us comfort is different, our values and our pleasures are DIFFERENT. Uranus would tell you that, we are all different, unique, authentic, etc.
So HOW you go about doing this (creating a life you love) in your life will depend on you and your authentic code/way of achieving it.
AND tools like astrology and being able to read your natal chart, Human Design and other self-awareness systems can help you become aware so you can start doing “THE WORK” to achieve all the shit you want to in this life.
Astrology isn’t about predicting what will happen to you, it’s about guiding you and educating you on the energies so you can work with them and alchemize something from what already exists.
Awareness of self and caring about things, aka CREATING VALUES will guide you through to money and material comforts as well as bringing you REAL joy because you are figuring out..
WHAT THE HECK brings you joy in the first place.
Do you even know? How would you if you have never even took real time and reflection thinking about it.
This is what self-work, (THE WORK) is. The digging, the searching and exploring with real tools and systems that provide ways to achieve self-fulfillment, while also achieving material success and being able to better your life holistically.
The only way to change something that looks and feels unchangeable, like a subconscious belief that is long-standing from childhood (very Taurus energy), is to do work around it. Eventually you will create a new pattern, a new pathway and you will break free. This is everything Uranus conjunct Taurus is here to teach us. With so many planets in Capricorn right now tis’ the season to get to WORK my friends.
We ARE alchemists
working with the energy of Scorpio season. We can change our lives, but we must FOCUS on what we want to transform. We can’t ignore or deny or suppress or distract.
We can’t spend all our time when we are not working, watching tv, bingeing, doing mindless things to preoccupy our time expecting to CREATE change. You’re not CREATING your CONSUMING.
We need to FOCUS to create hocus pocus.
We can’t expect to wave a wand and bibbity bobbity boo it, it doesn’t work like that. I’m not going to lie sometimes it’s hard and it feels rough, like WORK but other times it is so enjoyable and creates so much connection. I WANT to spend my time on ME and my self-awareness, that is self-love.
So I’ll leave you with this..
1. How much are you worth to yourself?
2. And what do you have to show for it?
3. How will showing up as a more self-aware person help everyone?
For more astrology resources and self-awareness tools check out
*CHECK OUT---The craft kit-- helping you transform by uniquely harnessing the energies at play each season