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Intuition is Your Super Power

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

Have you ever had a moment where you felt 100% certain and didn’t need any opinions and knew even as crazy as it sounded, it was the right decision and you were at peace?

If you're saying, "..not really?, I don't know, maybe?" that's probably a good indicator you are not really connecting with your intuition when you want to be.

And let me start by saying there is nothing wrong with you, you are not broken because you 'just don't know things' on the drop of a dime.

But the good news is you can..know things that is-if you become aware.

It’s simple but not easy

Imagine you are dropping out of your head to your heart + pay attention to your feelings..they will guide you.

Chaos is not your intuition.

Intuition comes in moments of calm and clarity.

Find what it is for you that quiets your mind

Running, walking, dancing, painting, drumming, repetitive yet free flowing actions, these are all ways to dip into quieting the mind while mindfully moving the body.

These are all examples of freely moving your body without limitations, also known as embodiment. When your mind is streamlined your thoughts become clear setting up moments that enable you to see things and hear things you may have not have before, leaving you saying “oh yeah! I knew that”.

*Like when you pull an oracle card or receive a message and realize that with the help of words your higher-self or intuition is communicating something you already knew you just didn’t know how to express. It is like a beautiful remembering.

And that’s what intuition is really about, it is trusting yourself and remembering.

Connected But You Need to Be Tuned Into the Right Frequency

You’re ALREADY connected with your intuition, you just may not always be AWARE of it. It’s like a superpower. Think about the superhero movies. All the superheroes have these powers but they always have to go on a journey to figure out to harness their power. They first have to acknowledge they have power and then they have to practice calling it forward and controlling it. It takes practice to sit with yourself and be present that’s why meditation is hard because we are so far removed from the present because of modern convenience and how easily we can distract ourselves.

So Many Distractions

We mindlessly munch, we obsessively scroll, we drone out any icky feelings or buzzing in our minds with TV, Netflix, Hulu, drama, Bravo or useless gossip with friends. We restrict, we binge, we purge or we control or we are reckless or we spend or we don’t have opinions because we are so confused on all the information that is being thrown at us and we aren’t connected to our discernment to weed through it. We can get lost in the chaos (drugs, drinking, substances what have you). Sometimes we even clean or run errands that aren’t really all that imperative just to push away the present or the emotions that can bubble to the surface when we STOP.


Now I’m not saying never eat ice cream and boycott Netflix, nope not even at all is that what I’m saying.

There is a time and space for all the things but what matters is the discernment it takes to know when and where. When am I trying to avoid myself, emotions, feelings, thoughts I have about what X,Y,X said? It is an awareness like being aware you have a super power (intuition) and then checking in on your emotions and feelings which are the indicators of your intuition.

But if you’re dulling out your ability to pick up on those indicators you are further separating yourself from your intuition and divine guidance.

Feel It Out

For instance, you will begin to connect to your body and inner + outer emotions and they will let you know when something FEELS right. Maybe you will scream out “Yes!” or catch yourself whispering, “..oh yeah, that's right.” Maybe you’ll cry tears of joy because of how true something is resonating with you. Maybe you’ll get a tightness in your chest or a weird feeling in your gut when something doesn’t feel right, or you'll just have a really strong feeling to not want to go to an outing. Your body and emotional state will give you signs when you start to pay attention to yourself and become aware.

To be honest it’s hard to write this because intuition is hard to write about. It’s one of those things that just is what it is. It’s a feeling that is different for everyone but the same all at once, yet, because of that.. hard to put into words.

But why is it important that we try to connect anyway, describable or not?

Sixth Sense

Because it’s THERE, we HAVE it, we ALWAYS have, always will, you can’t deny it. I mean you can try to ignore it but it is still there, your sixth sense, so you might as well use what you were given right? Spider-man wasn’t going to just say, “eh, whatever I’m not going to use these gifts even though I can potentially help millions of people, including my family and friends.” I don’t know! insert any superhero and the same applies.

We are not fiction we are real

and your intuition is real but you have to want to connect to use it. You have to see the greater good of using it and working on yourself enough to know when you are getting signals.


Self- awareness

Get to know yourself even the shadowy dark parts you’ve been avoiding and numbing for lifetimes. Because until you get to know your deepest darkest sides you cannot know your full self and stand in your full truth. You cannot make the decisions that will lead you to your highest-self, helping you reach your highest potential.

To use what you were given, you first have to remember it, acknowledge it’s there and then let it guide you.

Ways that have helped me connect/acknowledge to my intuition:

Free Movement (Non-linear movement practices- Michaela Bohem)-An awesome book on female embodiment by Michaela Bohem is The Wild Woman's Way

-dancing freely without choreography

Moving Meditation + Seated/Guided Meditation

-walking in nature

-painting + creating

Tarot Journaling (check out for Tarot Journal Challenges)

-journaling in general

-asking questions and answering them using the divination of cards

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